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First thing is to read the question! This sounds silly but is probably one of the most important steps in understanding what you will be answering. What is helpful to do is annotate the question because t...
Intro: Context on Great Depression, e.g worldwide effect, after Wall Street Crash, potentially causing WW2. Factors: Overproduction, GVT policy, banking failure, International Order, land speculationCrite...
Louis XVI was personally responsible for the Outbreak of the French Revolution? Discuss? This is a typical Pre U question on the origins and course of the French Revolution, however it is also relevant to...
In considering this question we first have to separate the factors that led to Weimar's demise into broadly internal factors, which they had some control over, and external factors, whic...
Within the Justice system, there is no doubt that Wolsey acted as an 'Alter Rex'. He used his standings within courts for his own benefit. For example, he introduced the Star Chamber and used it to target...
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