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Blood in an arteriole is under high pressure at the start of the vessel, called hydrostatic pressure, and fluid can leak through its permeable membrane into the surrounding tissues. This leaves blood cell...
Carbon dioxide and water. When glucose is taken up by the cells, the mitochondria in the cells break down the glucose into molecules of energy that can be used by the cells called ATP. To make ATP from gl...
Firstly, you need to understand where a synapse is and the structure of a neuron (a basic diagram of a neuron could be useful).The brain is made up of a type of cell called a neuron and t...
A vitamin is a nutrient or dietary component made up by an organic molecule and required by the body in very small amounts. It acts as a co-enzyme to prevent a deficiency disease.
Firstly, we need to consider what the term Homeostasis means:
Homeostasis is defined as the maintenance of a stable internal environment.
-The internal environment ...
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