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In the future, one of my aspirations for the world of work is to become a successful lawyer. From a young age I always had a passion for the law and justice and would like to become a lawyer that can repr...
On Saturdays I go to town with a friend from school. Sometimes we go to the cinema to watch a new movie. I really like comedy movies! Last Saturday I bought a small present for my mother because her birth...
caro Giulio,Oggi ti vorrei raccontare come funziona la mia scuola. Le lezioni iniziano ogni mattina alle 8:30, e la giornata termina alle 16. Studio molte materie diverse: italiano, inglese, matematica, s...
The ausiliari (auxiliary/supporting) verbs in Italian are: essere (to be) = io sono, tu sei, io fui, stato.avere (to have) = io ho, tu hai, ...
Nel mio tempo libero mi dedico allo sport, in particolare mi piace nuotare. Vado in piscina 4 volte a settimana, e nuoto per due ore, dopodiché torno a casa a studiare.Nel fine settimana di solito esco co...
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