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'Marcus was fighting Flavius because he was angry." pugnabat: 3rd person, singular, imperfect, indicative, active erat: 3rd person, singular, imperfect, indicative, active (same as above)
"[Aeneas] burned to go in flight and to abandon the sweet lands, / dazed by the great vision and by the power of the gods." - Aeneas is eager to be gone ('ardet') - Aeneas is stunned by the visi...
They are subordinate clauses which represent a question: for this reason, they are follow verbs such as quaero, rogo (= to ask) or scio (= to know). They may be introduced by a...
The absolute ablative is a widely-used construction in Latin, which acts a subordinate clause, especially a temporal, causal or concessive one. It can be easily recognised in the text because it is compos...
Here's part of a passage taken from an OCR sample language paper: tum magna turba civium ad templum convenit atque ianuam lapidibus obstruxit ne Pausanias exire po...
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