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Mens rea and actus reus are two elements of a crime, as it would be explained in court. An academic, Wilson, described mens rea as a "mental attitude" - the psychological element of a crime - e....
Firstly, we need to review which ways judges can avoid following a binding precedent when making a decision. The first way this can be done is when the Supreme Court use the 1996 Practice Statement, which...
Mens rea is the latin phrase for "guilty mind", which when applied to law scenarios is most simply explained as the defendant (the person committing the crime) intended or planned to commit the ...
In countries with a written constitution, it is the codified constitution document which is the pinnacle of their legal systems and it is that which bestows legal validity on other laws. However, this is ...
(Source based)
Battery is a summary offence (no more than 6 months in prison). It is found when the defendant inflicts unlawful, personal violence upon the Victim, as found in the case of Cole v Tu...
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