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In AQA Law A Level, for units 2, 3 and 4, you will be asked a scenario question. To ensure you get the best grade you can, you need to answer the question in a specific way. First, you need to have a good...
'Novus Actus Intervenien' (NAI) essentially means an intervening act. This applies after you have gone through the stages required for Factual causation and Legal causation. You will know that a NAI appli...
There are different defences to the crime of murder, each resulting in different outcomes. For example, there are the partial defences to murder: diminished responsibility, which exists under s.2 Homicide...
Contrast with mens rea perhaps. External element - Smith and Hogan. The actions of the defendant - what they do versus what they think. The element that brings liability? - no thought crimes.
It is helpful to know here that both of these courts are for criminal purposes. A Magistrates court will typically be used for smaller crimes such as not paying your speeding fine or being caught with dru...
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