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First of all you need to know that learning a language is not easy, so do not worry if sometimes you are struggling with it. It is important to practice as much as you can, to do the homework in the targe...
The MLAT is essentially a test of knowledge of grammar and vocabulary. For the languages on the paper, there is typically a gap-filling exercise or one where you must choose between two words to complete ...
Method of translation:1.) First, it is key to grasp the meaning of the sentence - instead of looking at the words individually, look at them as a coherent string 2.) If you don't understand a wor...
The best ways to prepare for this test is to practice translation as much as possible, using exam papers from all the examination boards available, regardless of whether you're studying for their exams.
The first thing you must remember is to NOT PANIC whilst looking through past paper questions as it will seem there are a few hard words and structures that you may not have covered in your lessons...
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