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An example of what my answer would be:我住在爱丁堡。爱丁堡是一个很大的城市。位于在苏格兰的南部。我非常喜欢这个地方。首先,城市特别漂亮。因为城市的历史很悠久,所以有很多美丽的建筑,比如爱丁堡城堡很漂亮。其次,在爱丁堡人人都很友好。尽管我父母住的地方离爱丁堡很远,但是跟新的朋友见面很方便。最后,爱丁堡城市很热闹,每天我能做各种各样好玩的东西。例如,每个星期五我和我的朋友...
When you're writing Mandarin Chinese, always remember to write from left to right, top to bottom! Try and work out which could be the first stroke, remembering which direction to need to move your pen. In...
Most commonly, 得 is used in degree complements, following the structure verb + 得 + degree complement. Degree complements normally express how a verb happened or assesses its quality.For example, in the se...
Let's have a look at the structure of the word first. Pick apart the sections of the characters, and how this makes a similar sound to the character as a whole.
The Bei sentence can be used to express passive voice. The structure is subject + 被 + object + verb + other elements. The subject is the patient of the action, and the object is the agent. If there are an...
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