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In English, the copular verb 'is' is used to link the subject to the predicate. For example in the sentence: The girl is smart, the copular verb 'is' is required to indicate that the adjective 'smart' is ...
The speaker wants to become a writer, however his mother wants him to become a doctor.
The Chinese script is not an alphabet like in English; instead, it uses characters to represent whole words, often based on their meaning rather than their pronunciation. For example, the character 木 mean...
Unfortunately, there is no real translation for the 吧 in Mandarin. It is used at the end of the sentence to emphasize exclamation. It can be used after a verb to express an order. It is usually used verba...
One of the differences between Chinese and English grammar is that in Chinese, we do not use 'tenses' in the same way as in English. In other word, there is no such things as 'ed,' 'has' 'had,' 'shall be,...
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