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Firstly we can see that this equation can be simplified. They are all divisible by 3 so this means we can simplify it to x^2 + 2x + 1 =0 Now we need to find what times together equals 1 but when added tog...
First factorise the quadratic: (2x + 1)(x + 3). Next set the factorised equation to 0: (2x + 1)(x + 3) = 0. Then solve the equation to find the 2 values of x, dividing through one br...
P1- Find the value of a single unit in the ratio:78/(3+4+6) or (13)= 6P1- Find the length of the base and the height of the triangle through multiplying the single unit scale by the number of units ...
We will answer this question by drawing a prime factor tree.Start with 56 at the top of the page. Draw two branches coming off 56. 56 = 2 x 28, write 2 and 28 under the separate branches. Circle 2 as it i...
When trying to find stationary points, the first thing you should think about is differentiating. At a stationary point, the gradient of a curve or function is equal to zero. Therefore if we differentiate...
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