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This is a very broad question asked often towards the end of an Oxbridge interview to try and understand if the student is suitable for a degree which will be academically very intense. The interviewer wi...
The Cambridge entrance experience is usually divided in two strands. First, they aim to test the personal experiences and competencies as stated in your personal statement. They do that by asking question...
Obviously your school grades and predicted A Level grades are important, but if you've made it to the interview stage then your grades have proven to Oxford that you have the academic ability to study on ...
Normally, there would be more context for a question like this; for instance, you may have been given a murder case to read beforehand which would likely provoke some questions about the meaning of intent...
Most universities want a better picture of who you are all around in your personal statement. Oxbridge, in the nicest possible way, doesn't really care. Saying you did Silver Duke of Edinburgh and learnt ...
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