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Deontoligoal ethics, also known as duty-based ethics, are concerned with what people do, not with the consequences of their actions. Deontology teaches that some actions are right or wrong in themselves, ...
The Logical Problem of Evil, also known as The Inconsistent Triad, is an argument against God's existence that tries to show that the existence of evil is logically inconsistent with the existence of a Go...
A non-cognitivist theory of ethical language is one that denies that ethical statements are propositions which express truth or falsity. Emotivism is the theory of ethical language that holds that ethical...
Arguments from Empiricism do support Berkeley’s Idealism as a theory of perception. This is because Berkeley’s Idealism is in itself an argument from Empiricism. To understand this it is important to see ...
For AQA Philosophy in particular, I found it useful to really carefully read through the mark scheme. The mark scheme for this course, especially compared to my A-levels in Economics and Politics, is not ...
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