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Alex and Billy are launching the air rockets they made by launching them using a bike pump. They each have a rocket, a launchpad, a bikepump connected to it and their teacher Daniel has two stopwatches. T...
This question is asking about forces acting around a pivot point, so we can use the formula for the moment M = F*D about the pivot point. The clockwise and anticlockwise moments around the pivot must be e...
While on the Earth's surface, you need to put in energy to move upwards, due to the force of gravity from the Earth's mass acting on you - eg jumping upwards requires energy.The force of gravity is ...
Terminal velocity is the final velocity an object achieves during freefall through a medium under the influence of gravity and upthrust from the medium. For example, dropping a tennis ball from a plane. T...
Our object will have a combination of potential energy (due to it's position relative to the ground) and kinetic energy (due to it's velocity).Consider the potential energy first. It depends on the height...
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