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For this question you only need to know one equation, however, what is key is to be able to understand what the question is asking for and how to go about it.Weight is the force applied to a body due to t...
Orbital Speed = [2Π(Orbital Radius)]/Time Period3055.5m/s = 10999.8km/htherefore:10999.8km/h = [2Π(35786km)]/TT = [2Π(35786km)]/(10999.8km/h)T = 20.4 hours
The current is split at electrical junctions. The total current entering a junction is equal to the total current exiting a junction. More current passes through the path with least resistance.
The law of conservation of momentum states that for a system, under the influence of no external forces, the sum of the momenta of all objects, which are calculated by multiplying their masses and velocit...
Both the processes of nuclear fusion and fission are dictated by the concept of a 'binding energy'. In basic terms, this is the energy required to separate an atomic nucleus into is constituent nucleons, ...
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