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The majoritarian British electoral system of First Past the Post (FPTP) is a Single-Member Plurality voting method used to elect members of parliament to the House of Commons during five year fixed term g...
The undemocratic institution of the House of Lords has been significantly strengthened since 1999 after the reform under the Labour government removed 92 hereditary peers and appointed new Lords rather th...
First Past The Post is considered a 'pluralist' voting system, in that all eligible voters have a single vote to cast, and the recipient of the highest number of votes (a 'plurality') wins outright. For e...
The idea that Supreme Court justices are politicians in robes is most surely backed-up by the politicisation of the appointment process. Merrick Garland, a liberal judge, was rejected by a republican sena...
Soft power is the concept famously used by Joseph Nye to describe the ability to achieve desired outcome by attracting and co-opting rather than coercing other agents. In Nye's definition, soft power of a...
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