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The fight or flight repsponse is part of the autonomic nervous system in which the body reacts to stressful environmental triggers. adrenaline is the prominent hormone in this response. Adrenaline activat...
One popular way of treating phobias is by systematic desensitisation which is based on the principle of classical conditioning. It involves creating an anxiety hierarchy and using relaxation techniques to...
Biological determinism refers to the concept that all human behaviour is innate and determined by factors like our genes, hormones and neurotransmitter systems. The biological approach looks at behaviour ...
One weakness of the authoritarian personality explanation is, many Nazi’s obeyed during the holocaust and through WW2. This explanation would claim that they all have the same personality which is not tru...
Baddeley and Hitch (1974) developed a multi store model of short term memory (STM) called the ‘working memory model’. Their model proposed that STM, rather than being a single store, was in fact an active...
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