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The brain is seen as the command centre of human activity and therefore, psychologists aim to develop a deeper understanding of its role and how it matures, develops and adapts over lifetime. Prior to the...
One of the most common techniques for treating phobias is flooding, which is is based on the fact that an individual cannot stay in a state of high anxiety for an extended period of time. The patient is e...
The biological explanation of gender argues that gender is shaped and defined purely by our biological make up. David Reiner (Money, 1975), who was biologically male, felt and acted as a male despite bein...
The fight or flight response is triggered when the brain registers a threatening stimulus. It mobilizes the amygdala, sending a message to the hypothalamus which triggers activity in the sympathetic branc...
Attachment is perceived by psychologists such as Dollard and Miller(1950) to be a product of learned behaviour and this can be explained using the Pavlovian derived concept of classical c...
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