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Ethical absolutism holds that moral commands are true at all times. This means that they're true in all cultures and situations. Under this view, actions such as murder and stealing are seen as objectivel...
The process of deciding what was 'Scripture' took a long time. 'Scripture' is the Jewish and Christian name for writings that are considered to be holy and spoken by God. In the centuries before Christ, r...
I have highlighted the three main points in bold!
Christianity, Islam, Judaism and Buddhism all oppose euthanasia and the taking of innocent human life, including voluntary...
Part 1 asks you to explain a certain theory or argument. The key word here is 'explain'. This means you should not add any evaluative comments that show your opinion- save that for Part 2.
Within Theology it has often been the case that the existence of evil has been used to doubt the morality of God. This need not be the case, however. One of the cases put forward for why a good God can...
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