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Early on in your Spanish studies para is used much more than por, but the more advanced that your writing and speaking becomes the more you need to know to distinguish between the two!
A key thing to remember is that with languages it's impossible to cram everything you know in one go because it's a long process of building up your knowledge of vocabulary and grammar in order to give...
El liderazgo es la capacidad de transformar la vision, inspirar personas y cambiar el mundo.
The A-Level language oral exam can be very intimidating, but you need to remember that the examiner is not there to trip you up, he or she want you to do well too! The best way to revise is to draw min...
In the controlled assesment you need to show a strong grasp of both the grammar required for GCSE and the relevant vocabulary for the topic. It is important to answer every point of the task and use a ...
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