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While both verbs mean "to be", and are used in descriptions, they are both used in different situations. "Ser" is used in the case of adjectives and descriptions that will not change i...
Hola Sofía, ¿Cómo estás? La semana pasada me preguntaste cuáles son mis pasatiempos favoritos, así que ahora te lo voy a decir.Durante mi almuerzo, el juego más divertido para jugar es el baloncesto. Suel...
The difference between 'ser' and 'estar' is mainly whether you are describing something permanent. If I were to say that 'I have blue eyes', then I would use 'ser', as this is something that canno...
Ser is permanentDOCTOR: Descriptions, Occupations, Characteristics, Time, Origin, and Relationships. Estar is user to indicate temporary states and locations. PLACE stands for Position, Location, A...
"The subjunctive" tends to create a sense of dread amongst language students, however with practice it begins to feel natural!· Firstly, the structure that is always Answered by Jenny K. • Spanish tutor1418 Views
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