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The subjunctive is used to express wishes, emotions, impersonal expressions, doubt/denial and ojalá. To remember these siutations, the acronym WEIRDO is very helpful. Examples of impersonal expressions in...
'Por' and 'para' both usually translate into English as 'for'. There is no firm distinction between the two so it is necessary to learn when you would use either 'por' or 'para'.Por:...
In Spanish, there are 3 main past tenses. Imperfect: Used when something happened over a long period of time, or when something used to happen habitually, or when someone "was doing" somet...
First I would go through the conjugations for ar/er/ir verbs Then I would explain the three things to look out for when identifying a subjunctive sentence:two different subjects in same sentence a relativ...
The subjunctive is used for a change of subject in a sentence eg. Quiero que tu no tengas frío The subjunctive is used with the conjunction 'para que'eg. Debes llevar una chaqueta para que no tengas fríoT...
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