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The best way to prepare for the first multiple choice question section of the TSA is by doing past paper questions timed. The time pressure is the hardest part of the paper - you will have less than two m...
Argumentation is fundamental for a TSA essay - the purpose of the essay is NOT to give a balanced view of the argument demonstrating a sensibility to both sides, the purpose IS to create an argument that ...
Answer: Profit = Price x Quantity Therefore, profit in November = QN(30 – QN) = 30QN – QN2 Differentiate to find the marginal profit: = 30 – 2QN Set marginal profit to 0 (maximised your profit): 30 –...
The TSA claims that they are testing an individual for 'problem-solving skills, including numerical and spatial reasoning. critical thinking skills, including understanding argument and reasoning using ev...
It implies that the occurrence of car fires is related to the lack of an extinguisher.
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