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Make sure you read the mark scheme and really understand it. Have a text box on each page explaining everything that page will show, and everything you learnt from it.Always ask for feedback from your tea...
IdeationFinding a problem to fixThis mainly consists of:Firstly look at your own day to day life and where you have points in the day that you could make easier, more efficient, cheaper ...
Options: (1 mark for 1 Advantage, 1 mark for 1 Explanation)Die casting has a better surface finish (1 mark). This Allows for a reduction of additional processes needed to finish the product which can make...
The “The Wizard of Oz” has had a large influence on fashion, both in design and in photos. Just look at Vogue’s December 2005 photo shoot taken by famed photographer, Annie Leibovitz. It features actress ...
Prepare the metal surface by rubbing it with a bar of soap. Place the metal against firebricks and use a gas torch to heat the metal surface evenly. When the soap turns black, stop heating the metal and a...
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