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Patent - Gives exclusive right to make, use or sell a new invention for a set period of 20 years. It allows the designer to take legal action, but it must be shared in detail in the public domain. It must...
Softwood is coniferous (like pine) meaning that the tree grows quickly and has large growth rings. This makes for a softer structured material that is easy to cut. Hardwood refers to to non-conifero...
The strongest joint for joinery purposes with the most surface area for gluing. It is done by cutting out small, equal blocks from the edge of a timber sheet. It is joined by applying glue between the mal...
Bleeding determines the thickness of the frame that is left blank on each sheet of paper when printing. This provides sufficient surface area for ink application.
One of the limitations include cost, of setup, installation and maintenance. But more sublty there are undetermined envronmental implications, and issues with the energy storage and distribution due to th...
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