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It is possible to simplify or shorten a sentence by using pronouns to replace objects. For example: Est-ce que Jean a donné la feuille à Pierre? Instead of responding : "Oui, Jean a donné la feuil...
The subjunctive is a grammatical mood which expresses subjectivity, uncertainty, emotion, and hypothetical scenarios. Unlike the indicative mood which is used affirmatively - 'je pense qu...
The imperfect tense, or imparfait in French, is a tense used to describe actions occurring in the past in specific circumstances. It can be used both orally and written.The first instance when you would u...
There is a simple structure that is infallible. It starts with having a general structure, Introduction, Main body (with 3 main arguments), and Conclusion.The intro and conclusion have to be pre prepared,...
The simple answer to your question is: le temps oùAlthough English uses 'when' in constructions like these, quand cannot be used in FrenchIt's the moment when the train restarts DOES...
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