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Even if you don't understand the whole text in a gap-filling exercise, you can use your grammar knowledge to your advantage.Here are a few examples:You must fill in the gaps using the correct answer from ...
Comme un individu dans la société, on a beaucoup de responsabilité pour l'un l'autre. D'un part, on devrait contribuer à la société, en votant pour exercer une influence sur le destin du pays/en faisant p...
The subjunctive is a mood rather than a tense and, unlike in English, is used frequently in the French language in both spoken and written forms. It is used: when expressing personal desire (e.g. je veux ...
Responses would be subjective and could be as creative as the student liked, but could include points such as: where they went/ how long for/ who with, weather/ tourist spots/ food, description of transpo...
One possible translation of the sentence would be: Ils auraient aimé aller au mariage, mais ils étaient trop fatigués pour effectuer le trajet de deux heures.'Would have liked' is translated by conjugatin...
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