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Case studies are a great way to provide evidence for an argument you want to make in a question. I would ensure that you have at least 4/5 key facts of a case study when revising - e.g. Place, Date, Event...
[You can always draw a diagram to help explain the formation of any coastal landform as this impresses the examiner and is easier to explain in a short amount of time although it is still just as acceptab...
A hazard is an extreme natural event that poses threat to life and property, examples of such hazards might be volcanic eruptions, earthquakes or tsunamis. The hazard that I am going to explore is that of...
There are three general plate boundaries: convergent, divergent and transform. (INSERT SIMPLE DIAGRAMS HERE)ConvergentThese occur when two tectonic plates collide and meet each other. A...
Coca Cola was first sold to the public in Atlanta Georgia in the US. It experienced overseas expansion as the sponsor for the Olympic Games in 1923 and travelled to Amsterdam in the Netherlands and was so...
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