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There are four main different processes of erosion in a river: abrasion, attrition, hydraulic action and solution.Abrasion is when large particles (stones and rocks) being transported in the river's load ...
Waterfalls are mainly found in the upper course of a river. They are formed where there are alternating bands of hard and soft rock along the river bed. This is because soft rock erodes around ten times q...
Some areas remain 'switched off' owing to a fear of cultural erosion or a desire to retain heritage, such as occurs in North Korea; North Korea has banned social media like Facebook and Twitter in an atte...
There is growing evidence of the ecological impacts of recent climate change in all biomes. Plant and animal species are responding to changes in air temperature, soil moisture and water salinity. Every s...
Feedback loops are a series of events which are triggered by an initial change. Positive feedback loops are feedback loops which amplify the initial change and lead to a repetition ...
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