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Assess is explain the impacts of both positive and negative impacts. The student should also recognise that Africa is a large and diverse area, with multiple climates that will be affected. Technologies c...
Waterfall formation occurs in areas with bands of soft and hard rock (the cap rock). In these areas soft rock is eroded much quicker and easier by the water, creating differential erosion. This causes the...
Tropical storms occur mainly along the east coast of America near to Florida, around the Indian ocean and at above 5' North and South of the Equator. In order for a Tropical revolving storm to form the wa...
Split answer into 4 main paragraphs - explain how categories for superpower are largely considered to be economic power, military, geographic and cultural and the answer will attempt to weigh up the exten...
The fairtrade movement and organisations linked to it strive to meet certain conditions that help improve the lives of the farmers, pickers, transporters and others involved in the growing and production ...
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