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Start by providing a clear definition of the process, e.g. Gentrification is where deteriorated urban neighbourhoods are renovated and revitalised by the influx of more affluent residents...
The fight or flight response is the body and brains reaction to a situation, resulting in either to withstand the situation (fight) or flee the situation (flight). Firstly the hypothalamus,a region of the...
With any question of this sort it is important to try to break it down and answer it logically. However, it is equally important to arrive at a conclusion with a clear position on the statement that is ou...
Vital rates may change over time for many reasons such as stages of development, conflict, government policies and the general evolvement of people. Throughout this answer I will discuss how and why the r...
Plate tectonics result from the motion of the rigid lithosphere, which rides on top of the more fluid asthenosphere. Given that oceanic crust is thinner and more dense than the thicker, less dense contine...
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