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Lorenz and Harlow both conducted animal experiments to ascertain the attachment levels in attachment. Lorenz had two groups of goslings for his study; one group was hatched with him, and the other group o...
Well the main thing to remember when evaluating the MSM is that it is a useful basis but a vast over simplification. Whilst there is plenty of evidence for separate memory stores for long and short term m...
The biological approach takes a deterministic stance, explaining all human behaviour as controlled by some component of the person's physiology, such as genetics or neurotransmitters. It is therefore cons...
There is research support from Blass and Schmitt(2001) who showed a film of Milgram’s study to students and asked them to identify who they felt was responsible for the harm to the ‘learner.’ They found t...
Procedural memory is memory for skills, for example tying a shoe lace. People learn these skills, but often don't remember they did. Unlike procedural memory, episodic memories have context and emotion to...
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