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I would suggest an exemplar answer to this question to be:Lorenz studied imprinting in goslings by dividing the eggs from a mother, hatching, and rearing them in different environments. Half were left wit...
Retroactive interference and proactive interference refers to different types of contamination memory. It affects occurs in our LTM when 2 pieces of information conflict not allowing us access to memories...
To critically evaluate a study at A-level, I recommend following the ‘GRAVE’ method: Generalisability - how generalisable is the sample to the wider population? Is the sample size large o...
Social learning theory suggests that we learn by observing and copying the behaviour of "role models" - these may be people who are of the same gender, similar age, or have other desirable chara...
One genetic explanation for criminal activity is candidate genes. Tihoen studied 900 offenders and found abnormalities on two genes associated with violent crime (MAOA which controls dopa...
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