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The main structures in an animal cell are: The cell membrane- the membrane found around the outside of the cell, some substances can cross it to move in and out of the cell (this means it is semi-permeabl...
The heart has 4 main chambers; the right and left atrium, and the right and left ventricle. Each receive blood and pump blood from and to different parts of the body. The right atrium receive de-oxygenate...
Steps: Use diagrams to draw each step1.Interphase (think 'I' is also a number 1 to start!)DNA has been copied (late G2 phase). Chromosomes are now existing as 2 pairs ca...
Vaccinations contain a dead or inactive form of a pathogen, which is a disease causing microorganism (such as bacteria and viruses). When people are vaccinated, the inactivated pathogen goes through the b...
P wave - atrial systole. This is when both atria of the heart contract, to force blood from the atria to the ventricles. The valves that separates the left atrium and the left ventricle i...
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