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The scientific term for breathing in is inspiration. The main muscle that helps us to breathe is called the diaphragm; a large, dome shaped muscle that sits below our rib cage. The external intercostal mu...
Stem cells are human or plant cells which can turn into (differentiate) other cell types, more specialised for their job. They often help with growth of tissues and development of embryos. Human stem cell...
How I would explain to the student:pollution of streams and rivers because of fertiliser use, open sewers into water courseexcess nutrients get washed up in water courseplants flourish using these mineral...
In order to maintain homeostasis, which in this case means a stable blood glucose, certain hormones must be released in situations which alter blood glucose. This occurs most commonly after a meal (increa...
The small intestine has a very large surface area to increase the amount of area that glucose can diffuse out of the small intestine into the bloodstream. The large surface area is created by villi, which...
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