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At the Bowman's Capsule, the blood undergoes ultrafiltration. This is when the smaller molecules in the blood are forced through the partially permeable membrane of the Bowman's Capsule. This is because t...
mRNA stands for messenger RNA. Essentially, once the strand of DNA is unwound and flattened, it is separated into its two strands. Then the bases on each DNA strand are read in groups of three. These are ...
When we breathe we inhale oxygen from the air into our lungs. The alveoli are tiny air sacs in the lung where oxygen diffuses into the blood via small blood vessels, known as capillaries. The blood in the...
Root hair cells have a very large surface area due to them being very long and having hair like projections. This allows more active transport of mineral ions to take place so the plant is able to take in...
When blood glucose levels drop too low it is detected by hypothalamus. The release of insulin by the pancreas is stopped so no more glucose is converted to glycogen. Instead glycogen, which is stored in t...
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