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There are several different ways substances can be transported:
1) simple diffusion, i.e. substances that tend to be lipid soluble/ non-polar and can pass easily across the phospholipid bilyar of c...
The temperature of the earth is a balance between the heat it gets from the sun and the heat it radiates back out into space. Gases in the atmosphere absorb most of the heat that would normally be radiate...
The lock and key model only allows one type of specific substrate to form a substrate-activesite complex with each specific type of enzyme. This is due to their complementary shapes, as only one shape and...
In this question you must first look at the wording. This is a describe question and therefore a description is required but not an explanation. It is worth 5 marks so aim to describe 5 or more reasons ho...
Meiosis produces four cells through two cell divisions, whereas mitosis produces two cells through one cell division 2. Meiosis produces haploid cells, whereas mitosis produces diploid cells 3. Meiosis ha...
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