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So this question is looking at how characteristics of different people may affect how they respond to an energy drink. A good way to start thinking about this question is to think about what makes the peo...
Mitosis and meiosis are both examples of cell division that result in the creation of new cells. There are two main differences between these processes; firstly, meiosis involves two cell divisions and mi...
DNA is made of small subunits called bases that join together to form a long chain. The bases in each chain join to the bases in another chain to form a structure that looks a bit like a ...
The heart is an organ made of muscle in the centre of the chest. It's role is to pump oxygenated blood around the body to enable our functions to be carried out. During a heart attack, a section of the he...
The myelin sheath is a fatty substance which surrounds and insulates neuron axons (i.e. it does not allow potassium or sodium ions to pass through it), which allows fast propagation of action potentials a...
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