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A synapse is a junction between two neurones where they meet. It is a very small gap which chemicals diffuse across so the signal can transmit to or from the CNS.
would draw diagram to demonst...
One component is the nucleus. This organelle contains the genetic information of the cell, in the form of DNA.
Another component is the mitochondira. This is the site of respiration in the cell and...
This rather strange question is an example of an actual exam problem taken from the 2017 AQA Biology Exam which threw a lot of students off. The question in itself, however, is a good starting point for t...
Gut flora is an example of good bacteria within our bodies that we need to survive. The average human has around 1.5kg of glut flora in there gastro-intenstinal tract. The gastrointenstinal tract (GIT) co...
Plants in hot environments have adaptations to their stomata. These are, having a lower density of stomata and also closing their stomata during the day, when it the environment is warmest. This reduces t...
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