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In order to remember the definition of homeostasis it is useful to memorise the mnemonic ‘MACIE’; the Maintenance of A Constant Internal Environment. Conditions in the body must be constantly controlled b...
There are three main factors that affect root and shoot growth, which are light (phototropism), gravity (geotropism) and water (hydrotropism).Both roots and shoots show positive tropism whereby growth is ...
Everyone has two copies of each gene, one inherited from the mother and one from the father. The combination of both these copies is called the genotype. However the phenotype is what is visibly expressed...
-it is a disease-causing microorganism -it is known to be infectious -examples: bacteria, fungi, viruses
Living things differ from non-living things based on certain characteristics. There are 7 characteristics that identify living things and these can be remembered with the acronym MRS GREN.
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