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A high grade in GCSE Biology requires you jumping through a few hoops. For certain questions, specific facts are required in the answer and certain structures are required for the answers. There isn't ...
Blood goes into the atria of the heart and the atria contract and force blood into the ventricles. The ventricles then contract and force the blood out of the heart.
There are valves in t...
Cold and low oxygen - minimises likelihood of organisms decaying
Sterilising petri dishes and agar before use. Taping lid of petri dish whilst microbes are glowing. Sterilising innoculating loops before use.Carry out experiment near bunsen burner for updraft.
A vaccine causes white blood cells to produce anitbodies. Antibodies are proteins which kill pathogens, such as viruses and bacteria. If the body is reinfected by the same pathogen as the vaccine then ...
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