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A synapse is the tiny gap between two neurones. At a synapse information is passed across the gap via chemicals, called neurotransmitters, rather than using electrical impulses. When information passes...
The alveoli are sac like structures which have a large surface area to volume ratio allowing for fast diffusion of oxygen into the blood (Fick's law). This large SA:V ratio is generated because the alv...
AnimalsHave large surface area to increase loss of heat by radiation, which allows the animal to keep cool. Have reduced body fat. Body fat acts as an insulating layer preventing loss of heat from ...
The process of diffusion is extremely important for the uptake of substances into cells. These substances can be very important for a whole range of cellular processes. Its also useful in reomoving waste ...
Darwin and Lamarck were both scientists who tried to understand evolution. LamarckLamarck’s theory of evolution was based around how organisms (e.g. animals, plan...
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