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Over time many theories have been put forward by the scientific community about how the process of evolution occurs. However the most commonly accepted theory amongst scientists is that evoluti...
To understand homeostasis we first need to understand the meaning- the definition buzz phrase for this word is "the maintenance of a constant internal environment". Therefore it refers to the...
Organisms, such as humans, take in "substrates" such as glucose, in our food. During a process called respiration, we react these substrates with oxygen to give carbon dioxide and water; thi...
What is diffusion?
Diffusion is a natural process, definied as the net movement of particles from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration.Answered by Callum M. • Biology tutor8746 Views
If your body temperature drops, the substrate (the particles that link to the enzyme so that it works) moves slower in your cells because as temperature decreases, so does each individual particle's ki...
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