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Arteries and veins both carry blood around the body, and they each have three main layers of tissue (a ring of endothelial tissue at the centre of the blood vessel surrounded by a layer of muscle and e...
DNA is the medium which encodes the information that makes an organism what it is. DNA usually forms a double stranded structure and encodes genes and other regulatory elements. RNA can a...
Ribosomes translate (read) messenger RNA to produce specific polypeptide chains (proteins). The Ribosome itself is made up rRNA which forms the structures which re...
When vaccine is given small amounts of the dead or inactive pathogen are inserted in to the blood, this activates the body's white blood cells which then produce antibodies. These antibodies destroy the d...
Respiration is the process by which the body creates energy by breaking down nutrients. This can either happen in the presence of oxygen, or without it. The key difference between the two processes are...
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