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When moving across a selectively permeable membrane, ions, polar and large molecules cannot dissolve easily in the lipid membrabe. Instead, transport must occor by way of protiens that ac...
Energy is transferred throughout the food chain as animals at lower trophic levels are consumed by those at higher trophic levels. In every living organism, energy is taken in as food. But when one org...
Immunity is the ability for the body to respond to familiar pathogens so quickly that they are not able to cause a physical disease, meaning we can be infected for a short period of time, and not notic...
Homeostasis is defined as the maintenance of a constant internal environment in the body.
An example of this would be the blood glucose level:
After a meal, a person's bloo...
Note: Keywords which are vital for marks will be highlighted in bold.
Within all populations, there is variation.
This is due to di...
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