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While it is important to have an understanding of some historical context in order to understand elements of the text that may be obviously appealing to a certain historical movement or issue, it is impor...
Picking out any language devices such as a metaphor or simile can be helpful when it comes to analysing language. After recognising a device state a reason as to why it was being used, taking into account...
Firstly, Carson's use of stanzas is striking and unusual. Instead of using conventional stanza structures, the stanzas in 'Belfast Confetti' are overstretched and long, and there are only two in the whole...
one example paragraph:The theme of ambition is presented as the direct cause of madness, This was ironically done by Shakespeare because Macbeth's hamartia is the ambition of power, and this is shown as t...
Firstly, you must read the question carefully and thoroughly. Highlight all the key terms. It doesn’t matter how brilliant your essay is- if it doesn’t directly answer the question in front of you, you wi...
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