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Very generally; an essay is made up of an introduction, main body and conclusion.An introduction 'funnels into' your main body and aims to draw the reader in and establish what you're going to argue or in...
The theme of power and lack of it is utilised expertly by Shakespeare and made a prominent motivation for the ensemble of characters in the play. It helps give depth to characters, mirror reality and pres...
Stevenson challenges victorian beliefs through the use of the metaphor " So recently restrained down". This seeks to express how victorian men felt entrapped in their own state of mind, as they ...
It is important, when answering a question such as this, to always keep in mind that every aspect of the play - language, characters, structure, and stage directions/settings - are all decisions on the pl...
The theme of social responsibility is deeply embedded within Priestley's 1945 play which is set in 1902. Priestley uses the figure of the Inspector as a symbol of moral responsibility as he advocates the ...
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