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They say the best way to learn a language is 'little and often'. Therefore, I would suggest picking a topic and learning around 5-7 new words a day. Write them out and read them aloud several times until ...
The imperfect tense is used to talk about the past. There are several uses which include: -I used to (+ verb) to show habits/routines in the past e.g. I used to go swimming 3 times a week e.g. I used to h...
Salut tout le monde ! Voici mon blog, et aujourd'hui je vous parlerai de ma vie. Je suis étudiante, mais dans mon temps libre je joue du piano. Je le trouve gratifiant puisque cela me permet d...
Dans le roman ‘L’étranger,’ Camus utilise le thème de la religion pour illustre comment Meursault est un étranger dans sa propre société et comment la religion cause son chute, et donc, son mort. Pour cet...
French has two commonly used past tenses. These are the past (passé composé) and the imperfect (imparfait). Although they can be used in similar situations, there are some differences between them, and un...
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