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There are two cases when the past participle must agree in both gender and number in French. The first is when we use être as the 'auxiliary verb'. If we were to say, 'this man died', in French we would s...
(Question continued) Sentences to translate for higher tier: Récemment, j’ai décidé de prendre une année sabbatique après le lycée puisque je voudrais avoir un peu de liberté. J'étudie des langues vivante...
There is a shopping/commercial centre/mall in my town /city. On/Every Saturdays/Saturday, I like to go/going to the shops/shopping with my (girl)friend. Recently, I bought a new mobile (phone)/smartphone/...
The conditional mood is used in order to demonstrate that a particular verb/action is only valid upon some condition.E.g. "I would go to the park but it is raining."en français: «j'...
To conjugate in the conditional, you use the same verb stem as the future and add the following endings: -ais ,-ais , -ait, -ions,-iez, -aientThe conditional in French is very similar to the English equiv...
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