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They pass over land, which in turn slows their movement due to frictionLoss of energy because of the cooling effect of passing over water at higher latitudes
The enhanced greenhouse effect has been caused by the anthropogenic emission of greenhouse gases such as CO2 and methane. These greenhouse gases cause heat from the sun to become trapped in the earth's at...
Define urban sprawl: urban sprawl is the outward growth of urban areas. As people move to urban areas the need for land to build on increases so the suburbs spread out.The positive effects are business ow...
In a river channel, erosion is the process that wears away the river bed and banks. If you were to look at the sides and bottom of a river channel beneath the water, we would not see smoo...
Earthquake hazards generally occur on or near specific types of tectonic plate boundary; they are the result of a build-up of stress between two tectonic plates that is released when the plates move past ...
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