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Waterfalls often form when hard (e.g. granite) and soft (e.g. clay or chalk) rock are present , where water flows across the harder rock and drops onto softer rock. The falling water then starts to form a...
A wave cut platform is formed by the sea attacking the cliff face though different types of erosion e.g. abrasion and hydraulic action. Abrasion is where cliffs are worn down from destructive waves and th...
Hjülstrom curve is a logarithmic graph which shows the relationship between sediment size and velocity. The two curves on the graph show what happens to sediment in transit for various velocities. The fir...
Freeze-thaw weather occurs when water enters a small crack in a rock, which often happens during rainfall, then when temperatures fall to below 0 degrees celsius this water freezes and expands. This widen...
Here, students should focus on the 'impacts' and break this down to allow for an efficient essay structure. 'Impacts' necessitates the student being able to show knowledge of both positive and negatives o...
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